Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 12...Moving along!

Stuck to the same meal plan today as yesterday.  As well as my hubby..he's been on it for 3 days now...we forgot to take measurements and pics tho!  I'm gonna have to catch him in the a.m. or something tomorrow maybe?  Need to get those done, although, he isn't doing the cleanse yet..maybe this weekend!  He said he'd do what he could, and he is so I'm happy!  He doens't like the 7 p.m dinner tho since he's trying to get out of work and doesn't want to stop to eat that one last time..maybe when he's not so hectic, not sure what that is doing for his metabolism tho?

My schedule today worked out well tho. Had to skip my cleanse last night since I did some blood work today first thing this a.m and I wasnt' allowed anything after 8 last night!  Shoulda gotten it in before that, but barely got in my meal!  Have been enjoying all the food options this week, now that I've found the substitutions that work for me...that is what I love so much about this program, if you don't like something, switch it out for something else on the sub-list!  I subbed J's eggs out for chicken and he is much happier!  That's easy!  Got in my workout today...military press, lat raises, plank, side plank, bicycle, superman's and 45 on the up a great sweat and even did it during the day when kids were napping so didn't have to do it at 10 tonight!  Still, here I am, 11:30 and just writing this up..where does my day go?  Feeling good, have good energy, other than I am NOT getting my 8 hours of sleep I'm supposed to be getting!  Good water intake, 3+ bottles - no prob. for me since I've always drank a lot of water and seldom anything else.  I did used to drink my skim milk w/ lunch and dinner tho, and that has been cut out for now.  I did eat 2 small brownies tonight at church..they looked SO good...but I also did do the longer of the treadmill today to at 45 min instead of 30..does that justify it?  Probably not, but at least compensates a little???  I also had a couple of these choc. covered berries/ cherries or something that SOMEONE brought over New Year's and are sitting on my counter staring me in the face day in and day out!  I need to just get my kids to eat them up so they are GONE!!!  And, yesterday, I let the kids get some Nibs at the drugstore and I did eat 8 of those too...I LOVE licorice!  Man, what a sweet tooth I have.  At least I didn't eat the whole bag!  ;-)  Have been thinking about ice cream too lately...but my will power has won out so far!  Junk Food JUNKIE!!! and I wonder where my kids get it from!

Almost Friday for reports!  I can't wait to measure up and see where I'm at.  Mom said today that she thought her pants felt looser the other day when she put them on - that's great news too!  I'm excited to see her progress too...although she had had a couple of days...several beers one night, and then our family day, wine and random foods...but we keep moving forward.  Today was her first day of week 2!  Yippee. She's been switching her food around too and eating things in a different order, so don't know if that matters either, but I think really the most important part is eating on time!  So you body doesn't feel hungry.  I've been there a few times, like when I let time get away from me and I forgot to eat my meal.  And we move on....

Been w/out my protien now for almost a week too...keep waiting for it to come in the mail from Xango, but not sure when they are going to ship it out?  Haven't gotten that confirmation it's coming yet!  Maybe have to get a sub for a bit?  probably not!  I also want to give a big thanks to my friend L for supporting my business today!  Love that she came to me to buy her supplies, as opposed to GNC or whoever sells vitamins.  Yea!  Out for now.  Talk later.

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