Tuesday, March 27, 2012


OH, I can't hardly believe we are already into week 11 of the 12 week Favao Lifestyle Reset Challenge!!!  It is a bitter sweet feeling coming to the end like this! It will be here before we turn around twice....but that does NOT mean the end of Favao for me!  I'm loving this lifestyle and everything it has and is giving me!  I'm loving just grabbing my meals as the time comes to eat, and having it all ready to go...all I have to do is warm it up, or not, and eat!  AWESOME  and it keeps me from just grabbing the first thing I see and ultimately 'over-eating'.  So--- here's the deal! I'm finally going to have some Favao Tasting Parties...I've been holding off due to sickness...but can't wait any longer!  I'm so excited to have another party and share this program w/ people so YOU can get a closer look at what it is all about!  Here's the times and dates I've got planned so far:

April 1st - Sunday 3:30 p.m. - Lynn's House: Latah, WA  509-286-3336 ?'s or directions
April 2nd - Monday 5:30 p.m. - ? - Mom and Dad's House: Juliaetta, ID
                               (in grandparents old house) (509) 330-3336 for  ?'s or directions
April 3rd - Tuesday 11 a.m. - Mom and Dad's House - Juliaetta
April 6th - Friday 6:30 p.m. - Lynn's House: Latah, WA
April 7th - Saturday 7 p.m. - Lynn's House: Latah, WA
April 13 - Friday 5:30 p.m. - Location TBdetermined - plan to stay later if you like and participate in our Bunco group for the month!  We are always needing additional players!!!  Warning: we kinda get a bit 'wild' sometimes!!!

As always..you can order any Xango or Favao products at my site: www.myxango.com/cook6

That's as far in advance as I can THINK!!  Hunter's Safety class is ALL the next week, so then maybe again after that! ;-)  You'll hear from me again before then tho - hopefully!

So...what to say?  FAVAO ROCKS!  Great food this week!  Loving my Chix Enchilada's for dinner this week...enjoying my Edename Beans, been mixing them in w/ my eggs w/ salt and pepper... surprisingly GREAT, with a granola bar too! Egg taco's for the breakfast. Been cheating so far and eating leftovers from last week of my cottage cheese, stevia, cinnamon, and diced pears for snack, leftover pancakes from previous weeks I had frozen for breakfast w/ a YUMMY 'Favao Banana Creme Pie' topping - IT WAS REALLY GOOD this morning!!!  Lunch is BBQ CHIX PIZZA. YUM!
Here's my Chix Enchiladas I made up in advance and an extra batch I froze for use later at my parties...You should come taste them! ;-)
I'm thinking I'll also have some Pizza, Cottage Pears, Taco Soup, Fish and Rice,  hmm....will have to think about it. Oh, and of course a Favao Protein Shake of some kind....and ALWAYS XANGO!!!

So down to the dirty!  RESULTS for the end of week 10!!!  Down another 1.6 #'s, to a rockin 134#'s from 152 starting weight!  That's 18#'s!!!!  WOW..I am so STOKED! and loving the changes I'm seeing in my body!  Inches:  waist and hips the same this week, they were down .5" last week each, but I DID measure my thighs, calves, and upper arms for the first time since week6 and found that they ALL went down by .25"'s from week 6 (so over 4 weeks)....so AGAIN - STOKED!!! :-)  I can really tell I'm getting 'thinner and leaner' in those areas - as I am seeing more definition and can actually see my muscle's under my skin!  It's AWESOME!

Here's my pics from before Favao to After - love showing these off...really seeing some GREAT results! and it's all FAVAO doing it for me!  I've just started doing a bit more extra exercising-and all because this system makes me feel so good - high energy, body feels good/healthy...and love that it gives back what I'm putting into it!

Before Favao - Dec. 2011
So for some reason I really have a hard time getting my pics to line up like I want them too...I try so hard to get them to be side-by-side like these first two...but sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't!!  It is all very frustrating and time-consuming...So I'm just putting the rest on here...and hope you can see good enough the improvement!!!!  It is pretty obvious! ;-) and that is good!  And all because FAVAO WORKS!  FOR ANYONE! :-)
End Week 10 Favo

March 25

Jan 20, 2011

Jan. 20, 2011
March 25, 2012
So here is a pic of my girlfriends and I that workout every Tues. and Thurs...have been for over a year now and we LOVE it!!!  I have SO enjoyed the companionship, love and support these ladies give me and motivate me to keep moving.  That was the only working out I was doing prior to FAvao, so I was in ok shape...but kicking it up w/ FAVAO has really rocked my workout world, and I'm really enjoying it and feeling great doing it!  I can SO tell how much stronger my body is - like today when the blonde in the hot pink - my friend T, brought us an awesome workout to make the sweat just DRIP off our bods!!!  It felt so good!!!  Love that in this small community I live in, I've been able to find such great friends that I will call my friends for life!  We are going to know each other for a lot of years to come as we all have kids close to the same age- forever friends for sure!

 See how I'm grunting almost to give a good flex!  Thanks to my daughter too, for taking the pic!  I'm wishing these girls would have let me put in the pic of us from the front w/ all our sweat!!!  It was really 'DRIPPING' off our brow!

Here's a pic of one of my Fellow Favao Lifestyle Reset Participants: Colleen...
50 #'s down in 10 weeks on FAVAO
  She is down 50 #'s since we started the challenge and is feeling SO good about herself and her image! It is so much fun to watch the transformations this program does for people of all shapes and sizes...MEN AND WOMEN - there are specific workouts for the Men and Women's programs to target the 'right' areas for us!  Check out more stories here:  Success Stories  There is MOTIVATION HERE!!!!

And here is what keeps me fueled and rolling daily!  Treated myself to a Favao Xango Protein Shake tonight w/ dinner...after letting that blonde chick above work our butts off today!  Along w/ all the Favao supplements, Favao Metabolic, Omega 3's Fatty Acid, 3Sixty5 Multi-Vits, Favao Protein, Xango Juice, Favao Cleanse, and FAvao Fiber...that's all of it!  The full program!!!  Wanna try it?
www.favao.com for more info on the program...or check my website above for pricing info...
Here's a link to my video of the week too...I have to show off my abs a little - feeling a little 'proud' of them and the results!  And a quick hello from my daughters since they snuck up on me in the end!  Hope you enjoy!!!!  ANd as always, thanks for visiting - make the HEALTHY Choice and join me in starting YOUR FAVAO journey...I'll be there every step of the way to help you in any way I can! May even offer to come help you prepare your first week's food...if you want it!  I guess, that all depends on where you live too!!! Better not over-promise myself...but it would be a good 'write-off' to come see my friends and family!!! ;-)  You never know what I may be willing to do for YOU!
That's all folks...talk to you after a bit!!!  Contact me anytime for more info and wholesale pricing on Eleviv - Feel GREAT again!  Xango Juice, FAVAO, Glimpse Skin Care System, Juni Personal Care ProductsPrecis Line3Sixty5 Multi-Vit's - all 100% toxin Free and good for you!  We're working the toxins out...now we just need to STOP slathering them back on our bodies!! Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies....quit toxifying yourself by putting toxic lotions, etc on your skin!!!  Learn more about that here: LifeAsItCouldBe  It absorbs through - a LOT! And Xango's awesome Charity Program at Xango Goodness helping children all over the world!  Gotta LOVE XANGO!!!

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