Sunday, January 15, 2012


I am VERY excited to be 'Starting Over' on my FAVAO LIFESTYLE RESET CHALLENGE.  I was choosen last Wednesday as an 'Alternate' in the challenge.  This means I will be following the same rules as the 'choosen' contestants.  This will include following the meal plan to a 'T', and the exercise program.  I'll also get online professional training advice from one of amazing trainers in the Favao Program!  I'll should be recieving some Favao Exercise equipment in the mail any day as well to help me on my journey.

So here's the deal!  I started the Favao Lifestyle just before Christmas.  I'd been talking and talking about starting the program and just got sick of talking about it without actually doing it!  So I started on the 23rd I believe and followed it VERY well through Christmas, maintaining until the Friday before New Year's.  I was good for the first half of the day on my food, didn't get my exercise in, and didn't follow the food on the second half of the day, but tried to make smart choices and watched my 'portion size', which is my MAIN problem!  Then on Saturday, I was good with food and exercise...Sunday New Year's I was on the same schedule as the Friday prior...but was out of control w/ my eating/drinking.  I suffered for it the next day and was back on track by 2 p.m. finally, then started 100% again on Monday with diet and exercise.  Did good then until I recieved the call that I was choosen as an 'alternate' last Wednesday.  I learned I'd be starting again this coming Monday at Week 1.  I decided to take a break from the 'Lifestyle' 100% until then.
Starting tomorrow, I'm on board 110% and I'm going to really see what this program can do for an average mom, with a fairly healthy lifestyle in diet and exercise.  I hope to be a postive influence to those around me by setting an example and sharing the tips I learn along the way.  I want to give an honest portrayal of this program, as it pertains to my life. :-)  I also am looking to encourage others to be healthy along with me!  IT FEELS GOOD TO FEEL GOOD!

I also want to promote my business!  I am proud to be a distributor for the company Xango, ...and have been since 2006.  I've been drinking the juice Xango since then and know it's helped maintian the health of my family including eczema, allergy's, gout, cold sores, .  I believe in preventative health...although it is sad to say our country tends to favor the opposite.  To fruther confirm that point, we as a family take daily vitamin supplements 3Sixty5  along with our Xango Juice

Now...I've gotten all my instructions for the contest!  So I need to get busy getting busy!  I need to create a uTube account, a Flickr account, link those to my link for the Favao challenge...make a video and attach that to those accounts and my pictures for WEEK 1.  this should all be very exciting, and educational for me!  I've felt like I've been needing to get more technologically I guess my wishes are about to come true!  Back to school for me!  Where are all my Techy Friends!  I need you here to help me figure all this stuff outf!!!!  Wish me luck, I know I'll need it.  Just like these links I posted do I get that to just be a highlighted 'Xango' and then be able to click on it and take you right to my video????  Why do I not know these things!

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