Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Week 1 Updated Pics & I need some feedback!

The 'Pooch' is still there...but getting less obvious!                                   www.favao.com
This is where I really have noticed a difference in my 'love handles' and 'back love handles'  Seems my lower cheeks are getting less too???  Need to put the pics side-by-side...any tips on that one? :-/
This really is...moving forward and making life what it could be 'IN PROGRESS'                           www.lifeasitcouldbe.com/cook6
Starting to see more definition on the 'six-pack'...it WILL COME!  and my thighs are shrinking too!!!  Pretty soon there is going to be 'space'???  I hope!

Sorry, different bottom this time...couldn't find my original!  Go figure, it was in the PICK-UP!!!  what???  Yeah, had to bring it skiing last Friday for some reason! Got going, and saw it in there, mixed w/ the gloves!  Good thing I had it with me! LOL.  ;-)

So I'm into Week 2, two days now and have completed everything so far on the workouts this week.  I've done pretty good on the food, I did fumble Sunday night when my hubby made some cheesy, creamy pasta w/ shrimp and bacon in it, and some white crusty, buttered, garlic bread.  I did have a small portion of the cheesy pasta, but then had some spag. w/ red sauce and one HUGE sausage/hamburger meatball, that was all Super Yummy, and some awesome spinach salad along with that...and not to mention an excessive amount of a certain 'red' beverage that will remain unwritten of....I did miss out on my 4:30 snack and the 7 dinner...and I also 'snacked' on fresh veggies (I skipped the ranch dip) and some chips and cabbage salsa...couldn't help it, I was celebrating my weigh-in weight loss of 8 #'s in ONE WEEK!  Yee Haw.  So maybe why I've been back on track these last two days...except for those Trader Joe's Cookies I had to snack on...but only a max of about 130 calories...and I had Workout w/ the girls today too...so I thought I deserved it! :-)  Oh, and I put a scoop of protein in my parfait today before workout too.  Was yummy mixed in it.  I think it might have given me an extra boost too!  Workout was great. =-)

So I also wanted to report on my mom too...she's still moving along in the program too, but has been stuck on the same weight for over a week now...not sure what's going on there.  She confirmed she's giving it about 90%.  Went out to eat the other day w/ dad, and tried to make healthy choices, but like she said, it is hard to tell what they use for preparation or spices etc.  I wonder where she ate, there is a 'eating out guide' on the  www.favao.com website she could have printed off.  Not sure how many of the resturaunts are in Lewiston?  Maybe some I'm sure, I'll have to look at it closer...I rarely go out to eat, so haven't paid it much attention.

Spent some time tonight preparing food for us over the next few days, doing some saute-ing, seasoning, prep work so things are ready for tomorrow. and mostly the next day too...still need some containers back and washed to get the rest made.  I really need to invest in some good containers to prepare my food in.  I want some glass ones, w/ lids so it is easy to warm and eat.  Any one have a good suggestion for some?  I need a lot of med/smallish ones, and not big ones, w/ good lids that won't leak and dishwasher safe of course???

Looking forward to tomorrow, having food prepared is the way to go, for sure, but I don't mind doing it a couple of days in advance either.  I like doing it for 2 that way, anyhow, then I can switch it up a little depending on what seasonings etc. I have on hand.  I've really been enjoying adding peppers, onions, garlic...and dinner tonight was AWESOME!  My WHOLE family LOVed it!  We had Tilapia that I squeezed fresh orange juice over...kids had potato's w /garlic, and we had sauteed onions, garlic, sw. peppers, and cabbage w/ the orange squeezed over it too..and no other oil or whatever.  Yum, and everyone agreed when I said "Good dinner tonight mom!"  Aleena ate 2 Tilapia!  She raved and raved about how she LOVES FISH!  'We need to have this, like, every night!  Well, maybe not EVERY night but A LOT!' She was so funny. :-)  Love it when my kids sit up and just plain eat their dinner!  Loving having the Favao meal plan...makes my job easier when I have to decide 'what's for dinner tonight'...also have been loving watching all the fresh produce move through this house!  We are very consistently getting healthier, and healthier in our eating habits...if you only have 'healthy choices' there is no other option than to eat something that will nourish your body as opposed to toxifying it!   Love helping plant those 'Healthy Seeds'.  Contact me for more info if you are interested in Changing your LIFE and your loved ones lives forever!  WHO DO YOU KNOW THAT 'NEEDS' TO MAKE A HEALTHY CHANGE IN THEIR DIET????  Do you care enough about them to mentor and be their partner in learning to live better?  A lifestyle that you can learn from, and apply to YOUR life, for the rest of your LIFE.  It's not a quick fix...but you do get quick results, when you follow the whole plan!  I'm loving my loss of #'s and inches...I can see the change...and even better, FEEL it in the way I can move, and bend, and not have my clothes always pulling and pinching!  It's still there, but I am noticing the difference already!  How exciting is that?

Oh, and for anyone concerned about the price!  Get with someone you care enough about to team up with and get healthy and become your accountability partner...and earn 20% back from their purchases!  That's like a 20% discount on your own product...for helping someone else get to feeling great with you!  They won't be sad, when they are looking HOT right along with you!  And, as always, there is a 30 day 100% money back guarantee!  You should know in 2 weeks easily if you are getting results that you are happy with!  Email me at cook6@mail.com or FaceBook me!  Thanks for tuning in!

Feel free to contact me any time...  509-286-3336 for more information!

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