Friday, February 24, 2012

End of Week 5 - Favao Reset Challenge - Accountability Update!!!

End of Week 5 - Favao Reset Challenge

Well....I'm into week 6 now over half way!  I haven't written in my blog for quite some time now...and my 'lifestyle living' has been showing it!  I have determined that I need to hold myself more accountable in blogging, and then I will be more apt to stay accountable on my 'lifestyle' as well.  I've been slacking over the last couple of weeks thinking  I can just pour my ingredients and know how much I need - NOT the case!  I'm back on track weighing and measuring and getting serious.  I had a hard day yesterday w/ sugar cravings and I caved early on and then kept indulging - first the 'Bottle Caps' in my cupboard I have hidden from my kids, then just plain brown sugar out of the bag!!!!  LOVE IT By the spoonful!  UGH!  I was good today tho!  Just read a quote that said something like this...

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow's a mystery and today is a gift" author of that quote Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. "Don't look back, you are NOT going that way!" 

    SO...I"m looking forward!  I'm facing a bit of a challenge now since last weekend.  Our family traveled to the Oregon Coast to spend time w/ my husbands side of the family for a few days.  We had a FANTASTIC time there.  I planned ahead and packed food...although I forgot some key ingredients, but felt that I made good substitutions for what we had on hand!  We all took turns cooking for each other for dinner, so I made portion control choices and smart choices.  I did make a few NOT-so smart choices as well...but like I said, That is in the Past and we are not headed in that direction! :-)  

    My hubby came home tonight w/ fresh veggies and fruit, frzn chicken, Greek Yogurt, cottage cheese, and shrimp! Since shrimp is what's for dinner this week!  Although, this is the first night I've had it since we had leftover Chix Cordon Blue that was off the Favao menu for our meal for the just finished that and the shrimp tonight was really good!  We have some more shrimp for tomorrow as well, and will try a little different mix to cook it up in....tonight it was a vinigar/water mix (needed less vinigar.. 4 to 1 maybe instead of 1/2!), red chili flakes, minced garlic, spicy sauce something...and saute!  I thought they were good, he not so much...   

    At the coast last weekend, I slipped on some rocks when my family was climbing down to look at the tide pools and tweaked my knee (that I've had an ACL Reconstruction and a scope on) and so now it is sore and swollen.  Talked to my trainer, Trish at the beginning of the week and asked her advice on what to do?  Rest for a week, let it heal and see where you are at and hope that it is only 1 week and not drag it out to 3 weeks...Elevate, ice, been doing upperbody workouts every day and some extra core and I did find one leg/hamstring move for one leg and one for the other that works been getting that in once so far...also talked about cutting my calories down too since I can't do cardio this week.  That has been kinda hard too since I felt hungry today especially....cutting my carbs and protein equally and carb out of dinner completely.  I was super hungry at about 6 tonight (still 1 hr from dinner) so I incorporated a snack in there of and orange and string cheese - that satisfied me till dinner.  I resisted ALL sugar today!  Yea, for me - it was hard...It's all about self control, and I need to exhibit it!  I talk about wanting a rockin' hard body but I'm not making the needed sacrifices!  Gonna get on the bus and get this system DOWN!!! 

    Love the food this week - tuna fish sand, Egg Breakfast sandwich, pancakes, cottage cheese w/ fruit, and shrimp for dinner.  YUM...good food and options to choose from every week!  The workouts are really kicked up a notch this last week and I'm feeling it!  I really like the workouts the program has and they have been leaving me with some soreness...but it feels really good.  Another quote 
    " You can be Sore Tomorrow, or Sorry Tomorrow"

    Got some Chickpeas soaking to make some hummus for a few events this weekend - my special recipe I'm making, see if I can get it to turn out as good as last time!  

    I'll be back sooner than later!  I'm interested to see where my weigh-in / measurements come out on Sunday!  Have to continue maintaining my goodness from today and let it carry me through...on and on.

    Looking for a few good 'men/women' to join me in my journey and hold each other accountable!    The program works, if you let it!  Let's be honest with ourselves, take a look at where we are spending our money???  How much do YOU really spend on outside food sources (resturaunts, gas stations, snacks here and there at games, soda, beer/booze, or whatever)  start adding it all up in your head and decide if  you REALLY can't afford this system?  It's $260 to start for first month plus food (very affordable since it is whole foods and not pre-packaged processes stuff) and then about $160 second + months....maybe more if you want to add more of the supplements or vitamins...I keep hearing how people on the plan are SAVING money even after the cost of the program since shopping totals are so low! and since they aren't eating out all the time!  I am also noticing that - although I am TERRIBLE  about paying attention to prices (getting much better) and then I am always buying other things at the same time (laundry det. etc)  so need to go back, check my reciepts and keep better track!  So many things to do and hold myself accountable for!

    Oh, and I also am going to be working on our taxes for this year!  My first year claiming Xango as a I am REALLy looking forward to seeing how that all turns out.  I've been hearing how the greatest tax benefits are for the HBB - so I am super excited to see how it benefits us! :-)  Gained a business, but lost a be continued.....

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